Monday, September 7, 2009

Why would the Twin Towers head of security order a power down, which means no security what-so-ever the week?

efore 9-11 and dismiss security personel along with bomb sniffing K-9 the day before?
Why would the Presidents younger brother do such a thing?
I heard that a less than 20 minute fire made history did it
Is it true the kerosene fuel we use camping, burned hotter than scientifically possible that day, in a steel building thats infastructure had been lined with a fire preventing coat of asbestos, doing what a three hour, eight story fire could not do to the Towers, or a 19 hour or 24 hour fire could not do to other buildings built out of steel.
Demolished them to rubble?
How does a falling building leave a 40 ton piece of steel blocks away, stuck in the side of a building? The Tower's fell right? When something falls it goes straight down not out, right? Wouldn't it have to be ejected to fall that far away?
Remember the live footage of all the explosions that the victims said they heard and felt?
The owner was lucky to insist that acts of terrorism be included in his insuranc


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